Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Finished!!... well finished writing the story

After two weeks of development, I've finally finished the story. I've written it on In design and the layout is all set up. Its 36 pages on Indesign which is perfect as I'm going to print 4 pages per A4 sheet and therefore I'll need 9 sheets of paper. The end of the story simply reads 'your future begins today' with the rest of the page blank. My plan is to rip the page so that only that line is visible, as if the end of the story has been ripped out- its up to me to write the end of my story. So now the technical bit is done its just the practical bit left....

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The verdict

I had my tutorial with Jo today and she loved my idea! I'm so happy because it means I can do something that I really feel passionate about. Here's the first few pages...

Once upon a time there was the Kingdom of Adtovia. It was a beautiful place full of creativity and invention.People travelled for miles to seek refuge within it’s walls as it was one of only a few sources of light in a World of darkness and evil. It was ruled by the King and his
beautiful Queen. On the night of the crescent moon the Queen had a baby. A girl, who they called Princess Amelia.

The people of Adtovia were overjoyed, however far away in the shadows the dark creatures were plotting. They had heard a prophecy that said a child would be born under the crescent moon and bring new light to their World of dark.

In the dead of night they crept over the walls of Adtovia and stole the sleeping princess.

They brought her back to shadows and
enslaved her in a tower guarded by a monstrous three- headed dragon. Forced to work during the night and hidden away by day, she was never to see the light of sun.

And so the Princess grew up not knowing who she really was. She had only one friend, a fairy called Elvina, who would tell her all about the beautiful world outside her prison. In the tower in which she lived there was only one crack of light.
“One day” she said as she touched the crack in the wall “I’ll see the World for myself”

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Mood board

I've got a tutorial with Jo on Tuesday next week so I've put together a mood board of my practice drawings, images from the internet, materials I may use as well as my mock first page so I can show her in a visual way. I'm really hoping she gives me the go ahead for it because then I can start writing it properly

Monday, 7 January 2013

Characters for my story

Amelia: Born to the King and Queen of Adtovia. She was born under the crescent moon and a prophecy foretold that she would bring light to a World of darkness and evil. She is kidnapped by the dark creatures who enslave her. When she meets Sam they escape together.

The King and Queen of Adtovia: They lose their daughter to the dark creature and vow never to stop searching for her. 

Elvina: Amelia's only friend when she in enslaved in the dark kingdom. She is a beautiful fairy who is softly spoken. 

Samuel Dean: The human boy who Amelia meets in the dark kingdom. He was also kidnapped by the dark creatures and he helps Amelia escape.

The three headed dragon: A monstrous creature who guards the tower in which Amelia is kept.

The dark creatures: they are evil creatures who do not want light brought to the land of darkness they live and thrive in.

George and Jack: Leprechauns who the group meet on their way out of the darkness. They are mischievous creatures who try to trick Amelia, Sam and Elvina with a riddle.

Adchin and Didi: Talking rabbits who the three meet and who take them to the Wizard Jonah

Jonah the Guider: A wizard who offers to take Amelia, Sam and Elvina to Adtovia 


Sunday, 6 January 2013

Beginning the story

I've started writing the story and thinking about imagery for the book. This is a mock up of the first page I created on Photoshop. I'm quite pleased with it, hopefully I can keep the standard of writing up for the whole book

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Drawing practice

These are some practice paintings I made. They are painted in water colour and the details have been drawn in with fine liner. I'm really happy with what I've done. I hope my standard of drawing continues...