Thursday, 13 December 2012

Assingment ideas

So I've had some ideas for the individual assignment. I was thinking film making at first as it worked so well for my agency. I wanted to make it personal and was considering creating a trailer or something. Then I thought about what I like the most. Before Uni I was torn between studying something to do with art or something to do with literature. I of course eventually decided on Advertising as it is actually quite a good combination of the two; words and image. At college I did a lot of practical craft work which I'd really like to delve back into for this project. Taking all this into consideration my main idea now is to create a storybook. I would write the words myself and draw the pictures myself. I could even bind the book myself and make the story in it really personal. I've thought about the story being of a princess (which would be me). She would be born into the Kingdom of Adtovia but then kidnapped as a baby and brought up in a dark kingdom. The story would be about her trying to get back to the place she came from. It's in the early stages at the moment but I like where it is going. I've collected some images as a sort of brainstorm for my idea and I really want to use some of the stylization in some of these images in my own drawings. 

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