Monday, 12 November 2012


So today we had a lecture with Grant about making a mark, i.e your logo. He encouraged us not to think about traditional logos, but more about just conveying who we are visually- through colour, shape, typeface or even physically by painting or making a logo. It gave us some good ideas and again was really useful.

We also discussed our video and our lack of progress. The problem is that two of us still don't have outfits so we can't start filming until they get them. We're thinking about simplifying the video slightly so we will actually be able to put it together before the 7th December.

Later we had a seminar in which the other tutors came around and we showed them our ideas. We managed to talk to Grant and Jason and it was really useful to be able to get another opinion on everything.

Also today we have decided to do a cake sale next week in our Marie outfits as a kind of social promotional event. Looking forward to that!

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