Friday, 5 October 2012

First Guest Lecture

Today I had my library induction. Was shown around the library and all it's facilities and was really impressed. All of the equipment is really state of the art and easy to use. I am a bit of a self confessed geek so I was rather excited to see all of the books, dvd's, magazines, journals, newspapers and even past dissertations I can use whilst at LCC. I will definatley be putting the library to use....

Later I had the first of the Friday guest lectures. This week it was one of my lecturers, Bruno who talked about his life and work. I was so inspired by all of the things he's done; working for publishing agencies, working for magazines, writing his own newsletter and even trying to create a new artsy porn magazine... the images were a little shocking but of course thought provoking and conversation starting so I think he achieved what he wanted to from the lecture. He also gave us some good references which I am going to be looking into....

Also today 'Marionette' had a discussion about creating a manifesto for the group. We ended up coming up with some interesting and slightly odd ideas, including all wearing red as a kind of uniform and serving red velvet cake to clients to tie in with the red theme and the visual ideas of red velvet curtains and chairs in a theatre. We linked this to the Marie Antoinette quote 'let them eat cake', which I really like and this again ties in with the floral baroque style of old victorian theatres and antique marionette puppets. We're also thinking of playing on the idea of strings and having control and power over the audience; like a puppetier has control over the puppet. The technical term for someone who does this is a manipulator which is also a good keyword we can use. On Monday we're going to put all of our ideas down onto a piece of paper along with some visuals for a presentation to the semiar group that afternoon.

On another note Natasha created a facebook group for our agency so we can all post ideas and thoughts. I posted a link on ebay for a marionette puppet which we are now thinking of buying as a visual.......

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