Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Hi everyone! I'll start this blog with a little about myself, for anyone who cares.....

I'm 19 and live in Hatfield Hertfordshire with my family- my Mum, Dad, a little sister called Emily (who's not so little really as she's 17), a rabbit called Ben and a dog called Elsie. I work in a bakery which is less of an exciting job than it actually sounds. But on the plus side it's where I met my boyfriend, Sam, of a year and a half so I guess it's not all bad.

I decided to do advertising because... well because it interests me. It interests me more than any other University Course I looked into. Isn't that reason enough? I hate silly pretentious answers to 'so why do you want to do blah blah blah?'.... 'because its a burning passion I've had inside all of me my whole life and its all I've ever wanted to do.' No it's not. You didn't want to do it when you were five, you just wanted to eat sweets and play in the mud. At one University interview I was asked to describe the physical feeling inside of me when I thought about doing advertising......what?!!! I just panicked and said it was a sort of multi coloured swirl of light that gave me 'a warm feeling inside' and went 'whoooshhhh' I then quickly pointed to this image by Japanese graphic designer Yusaku Kamekura and said it looked like that.


The interviewer seemed pleased. I was just bemused.

The truth is I just love mostly everything about advertising. I love that at the basis of it, it is words and images- English and Art- my two favourite subjects. Its creative, acacdemic and theoretical. I like the psychology of it; being able to influence people but at the same time inform people. Advertising isn't just about brainwashing, it's about informing. Think about it, without advertising we wouldn't be informed of so many things; charities, drink/smoking/drug awareness, driving/fire safety, current world issues.....

And so I chose LCC. They weren't pretentious, didn't ask silly questions and didn't expect silly answers in return. They offered everything I wanted in a course and they're also part of a world renowned University, one of the best in the country for creative subjects. Now that isn't half bad is it?

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